
Tools for creating books

Bookemon is a personal, digital and professionally printed book creation and sharing utility. You can upload photos, graphics and documents for use to create, design and share books.  DEMO

FlipSnack: http://www.flipsnack.com/
FlipSnack is an online flipping book software that allows you to convert PDF documents into Flash page flip digital publications. DEMO

Glossi: http://glossi.com
Glossi is a publishing platform that makes it easy to create, customize and share beautiful digital magazines and books. DEMO

Issuu:    http://issuu.com
Issuu is a place where you can collect, share and publish in a format designed to make your documents look their very best. You can upload your ppt presentations or pdf documents.  DEMO

Kerpoof: http://www.kerpoof.com/
Kerpoof is a free online creative web2.0 tool. Kerpoof provides some handy tools for students to enable them to create their own story books, movies and comic. DEMO

Mixbook: http://www.mixbook.com
Mixbook is the easy and fun way to make completely customizable photo books, cards, and calendars on the web – for free.  DEMO

Storybird: http://storybird.com
Storybird is a visual storytelling community. A global hub of readers, writers, and artists of all ages. Choose an artist or a theme, get inspired, and start writing.   DEMO

StoryJumper: http://www.storyjumper.com
StoryJumper is a place to create and discover stories for kids. StoryJumper makes is easy for anyone to create a kids story. DEMO

Youblisher: http://www.youblisher.com/
Make your pdf documents flippable and quickly loading. It is like touching a real document. Just upload Pdf, and your book is made.  DEMO

ZooBurst:  http://www.zooburst.com
ZooBurst is a digital storytelling tool that lets anyone easily create his or her own 3D pop-up books.  DEMO

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